While in Brussels I went to the fabulous Dutch shop Hema (love it!) and picked up a few things, two of which were kids kitchen items on sale and cute red polka dot tea set. After I moaned a while about how one can not buy everything one wants for their kids due to insane expense, and the whole sexual stereotyping in kids toys (I would love them to have a lot more of the 'girlie' toys, but unisex and boy toys are money enough, let along the girls things!) my friend
mentioned that she had used an old box and had drawn on it for her daughters orginial kitchen piece. This got me thinking, as I had been green-eyeing kids kitchens for some time, that I may as well make my own. Here is the product of 2 pampers boxes, a bit of paint, and a
trip to Ikea for a few knobs:

Gas or electric?
ReplyDeleteI love seeing Oscar painting himself I think he and Charlie would have a wonderful time together. Although she hasn't painted herself for a while. If you buy powdered starch and mix it with a little cold water to make a paste then add boiling water until clear and consistance you would like then add one teaspoon of coloured paint to each container and mix into starch preferable disposable conainers. This will then wash off clothes and children a lot easier than pure paint.