Petit Pan
Today I spent the day doing what one should do while in Paris - wondering and shopping!
I had such a brilliant day. The 87 is now my favourite bus route! From the Champ de Mars into the 6eme for Rue de Sevres, Cherche Midi and Bac. On to 12eme where there is actually lots of good alternative shopping and cafés, but specifically I went to Petit Pan on Rue de Prague. I then popped across to the 11eme to Rue de la Forge Royale for Lillibulle, after which I decided it would be good to take a long walk through part of Paris to soak up La vie Parisienne. This involved walking up to Bastille then into the 4eme along Rue Saint Antoine, verring off onto Rue François Miron (a couple of little gems on here). Note: stopping at Rue Vieille du Temple for a reviving hot chocolate! Finally crossing the Il de la Cité through Place St Michel, re-entering the 6eme along Rue St André des Arts, Rue du Four onto Rue de Babylone, then succumb to exhaustion and take the next bus home! There is absolutely something for everyone along that route for shopping. While I did take the Amex, and use it (though not going to reveal to the breadwinner just how much so), I forgot my camera and did not catch for you the wonderful sights of Paris along the way.