Friday, July 1, 2011
Thursday, June 30, 2011
sometimes sweet and a little bit funny (weird not ha ha)
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Flying the coop
A few weeks ago the twins went for their first sleep-over at a friends house. I was really unsure about how it would go, but could totally picture their loving father stumbling over to the friends house at 3am to collect tear stained faces desperate to return to the loving arms of their devoted parents. So far from life long friends and family, and no regular stays with Grandparents or anything, I really thought this was a rather hefty milestone we had reached. I was clinging to those apron strings, content if the little munchkins wanted to hold on for dear life still.
As much as I know the kids are very comfortable with these particular friends, we spend every Wednesday with the kids and their mother, and they absolutely idolize the son for whom they would do whatever crazy antics he requests (one year older, one year wiser!) not to forget they own a much coveted Wii with sword fighting games. Still, being their first night away from both parents, along with many a comment on how young they still are, I really did believe this was not going to go completely smoothly.
this would be the 'older and wiser' idolised friend.
Dropping them off, I stayed on a while to make sure they were comfortable and OK, and had a chat with the boys going something like:
‘So, if you want to speak to us, C will call us on the telephone, don’t be afraid to ask her at any time to call us, and if you really want to come home again it is not a problem we will come right over and get you, and anyway, just one sleep and we will come back in the morning to get you.’
‘that is after one sleep?’ Oscar confirmed
‘yes, just one sleep and then I will come back’
‘Oh, please make it two!’ begged Oscar
Well, it was obviously time for me to go, carrying those severed apron strings in hand, and dragging that third little cherub with me, I mean she is only 2 and way too young to reject me yet (surely!).
We did take the opportunity to go to dinner, sure with one child, but when you have 3 dinner with one child is a breeze. Again though, on settling into bed, he and I did have a chuckle about how we would be probably up in a couple of hours anyway to collect the not so brave ones after all.
It was nearly a shock to wake at 8am in our beds from an uninterrupted sleep. My first thought was, we have sooooo got to do this more often! My second thought was I hope they were OK. Is that bad??
It was egg in my face again when C called to see when we were coming over (for all their troubles we were coming over baring breakfast goodies). She had to battle H off the phone who was begging her not to call me as then I would come over!!!!
I will try to get photos from C… meanwhile:

I went away

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
these are a few of my favourite things:

Monday, March 28, 2011
domestic changes
Thursday, March 17, 2011
he did it